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Manage Data Documenting


A researcher wants to reuse existing research data. Since she/he has not been in the field herself/himself, additional information – such as the notes taken by the primary researcher – is extremely useful for the secondary researcher. If he or she went without this information, she/he would not be able to conduct her/his study.

Good documentation is not only in the secondary researchers’ interest, but is also worthwhile for primary researchers. It might happen that a research associate may leave a project early – and important knowledge for the data analysis is gone.

Find out what you should bear in mind when documenting qualitative and quantitative data. For example, you will find information on how to prepare transcripts or document measuring instruments.

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Verbund Forschungsdaten Bildung (VerbundFDB)

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Rostocker Str. 6
60323 Frankfurt am Main

Tel.: +49 (0)69 247 08 - 300